Thank goodness. Pebbles is still being stubborn, so I go in tonight to begin my induction. I'm a little freaked out but oh so ready. My fingers are so swollen right now that typing this hurts, she's beating up my insides, and I just feel like poo. I was hoping to spend the day cuddling and just enjoy my last day with my husband before we have anyone else to worry about, but at this point I feel so miserable I just want to be done. So with that, I expect my next post to seriously include more information on Pebbles, including pictures and a name. Hang tight until then!
Good luck mama! Can't wait to hear what Pebble's REAL NAME is and to see her cute face! Lotsa pics por favor!
Good luck babe! I'll be thinking of you! I wish you the best of luck! Can't wait to see pictures of Pebbles and find out what her name is!! :) Love ya lots babe!!
Good luck, I will be praying for a quick and easy delivery! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby girl!
Good luck-- and lots of prayers and good wishes headed your way.
My sis went into the hospital to be induced, but her daughter came on her own during the night! HOpe it goes quickly, painlessly, and I can't wait to see pics of Pebbles, and hear her name :)
*HUGS* (but not too tight...LOL)
Good luck, gorgeous! I cannot WAIT to see pictures and hear that precious baby's name. I know you're going to do great, and you're going to love being a mom. You're going to be an awesome one, for sure. I'll be sure to say a prayer for all three of you tonight.
I'm SO EXCITED for you!
Good luck! I hope everything went well overnight and that you have a quick and easy delivery. I can't believe she's almost here!! Congrats!!
Hopefully by now you're all cuddled up with your beautiful new bundle of joy!
Hey lady! Congrats on the arrival of Ruby Ann! I'm so excited for you both and I can't wait to see pictures!! :) (I've been waiting for what seems like ages to hear about her arrival, and I finally found out the news by going to Missy's blog... So, I'm sorry for the delay in congratulating you!! :)) I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to meet Ruby!! Love ya and miss ya lots babe!!
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