14 August 2008

The verdict is in...

I'm officially a cow. Moooo!!!! I saw pictures of myself from my best friend's wedding and aaack! My face is bloated, my arms are chubby, and I just don't feel very cute. So to combat this, I refuse to be in any more pictures. Seeing them does nothing but depress me, I have no desire to remember myself looking like this anyhow. My husband still tells me I'm cute and all my friends tell me I make a cute pregnant lady, but all I see is chubbiness. Lots and lots of chubbiness. Like chubby bunny. Like I have devoured my weight in cake and ice cream chubbiness. Like holy crap, someone take that plate away from her chubbiness. My weight gain is still in the recommended range, so that's not a problem, but I swear it all went to my face, arms, and thighs.

And what makes it even better? I've started to waddle. Great.


Cassie said...

Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy. (I bet you really are cute, though, and I know you'd love to look back on belly shots one day.)

Jess said...

and here I was thinking you were going to finally post a belly pic!